Danny R. Smith, Retired L.A. Sheriff's Homicide Detective & Award-Winning Author of the Dickie Floyd Detective Novels, Series shares one of his "Murder Memo" blog posts.
Danny R. Smith spent 21 years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the last seven as a homicide detective. He now lives in Idaho where he works as a private investigator and consultant.
Danny is the author of the bestselling and award-winning Dickie Floyd Detective Novel Series and has written articles for trade publications. He publishes a weekly blog called The Murder Memo, which can be found at dickiefloydnovels.com. Danny is also a member of the Idaho Writers Guild and the Public Safety Writers Association.

The Night Police encourage you to take a read of our good friend's work. Brace yourself for an exceptional ride. If you like it told as it truly is, Danny Smith delivers!
Here is an excerpt from Danny's Murder Memo blog:
'The State of Lawlessness'
It is true that California state law dictates that security guards need to have permits and licenses and training, et cetera, but let’s just be honest: there are places in L.A. that are not really part of America. There are regions where—like foreign embassies—our laws just don’t apply.
In Firestone’s district, there were scores of unlicensed vendors at any given time, people selling oranges at the major intersections, others barbecuing corn on the cob, and selling it from carts on various corners. These people had no health permits nor retail licenses nor means by which the state could collect sales tax
Parts of South L.A. feel like you’re driving through Tijuana.
You could buy counterfeit driver’s licenses, social security cards, and green cards.
There were medical clinics, “Dentistas” (it kills me that the illegals can’t figure out that “Dentist” means “Dentista,” yet I could figure out the reverse) that were not regulated by any medical board nor licensed nor insured.
In the south end, entrepreneurs washed your windows at red lights and pumped your gas, if they didn’t make you for the fuzz or you didn’t point your gun at them and tell them “No thanks.” (You’d point your gun at them because many were opportunists who, if given the chance, would take your car or wallet in exchange for their services.)
A great many drivers were unlicensed and carried no insurance. On a slow night, you might cite one of them and have their car impounded, if their attitude demanded adjustment. Otherwise, they were free to live the American dream unimpeded, so long as they didn’t plow through a medium-sized family in a crosswalk or bounce off a dozen parked cars on their way to the next watering hole.”
Read The Full Blog Post and More Here: https://dickiefloydnovels.com/stats/
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Chris Berg and Paul James Smith
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